Tables and views keep on fetching in MYSQL
Overview : fetching 오류 Solution : mysql restart
Overview : fetching 오류 Solution : mysql restart
Overview : 현제 시간으로 now(), getdate() 처리
Overview : InnoDB Status Buffer 사이즈 늘리기 1.MySQL Workbench -Dashboard – mysql 5.0 이상 지원 2. mysql config 수정 3. 아래에 램용량을 확인하고 적당한 buffer […]
Remark : 가상화 서버 사용시 MySQL Binary Log 가 차지하는 용량이 커서 디비오류가 나는 경우가 있다. Mysql 오류인지 착각 하여 프로그램을 새로 설치하는 경우가 있는데, […]
원인 테이블에서 키값을 이용한 update나 delete만을 허용하도록 되어 있는데, 그렇지 않게 좀더 넓은 범위의 sql을 적용하려고 할때 workbench에서 경고를 주는것임.즉 하나의 레코드만을 update, delete하도록 설정되어 […]
Mysql 버전이 올리감에 따라 frm 스키마 파일이 없고 ibd 파일만 있습니다.반드시 스키마를 먼저 세팅 하고 파일을 덮어 쓰기 해야 원상태로 복구 됩니다. 1. ibd 파일을 […]
Remark : 하드 용량이 없어 발생 / 해결 : 필요없는 파일 및 디렉토리 삭제
sudo apt update sudo apt install mysql-server sudo mysql_secure_installation
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sudo apt update sudo apt install mysql-server sudo mysql_secure_installation |
sudo mysql_secure_installation
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root@localhost:/etc/apache2# sudo mysql_secure_installation Securing the MySQL server deployment. Connecting to MySQL using a blank password. VALIDATE PASSWORD PLUGIN can be used to test passwords and improve security. It checks the strength of password and allows the users to set only those passwords which are secure enough. Would you like to setup VALIDATE PASSWORD plugin? Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No: y There are three levels of password validation policy: LOW Length >= 8 MEDIUM Length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, and special characters STRONG Length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, special characters and dictionary file Please enter 0 = LOW, 1 = MEDIUM and 2 = STRONG: 0 Please set the password for root here. New password: Re-enter new password: Estimated strength of the password: 50 Do you wish to continue with the password provided?(Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : y By default, a MySQL installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone to log into MySQL without having to have a user account created for them. This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation go a bit smoother. You should remove them before moving into a production environment. Remove anonymous users? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : y Success. Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost'. This ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network. Disallow root login remotely? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : n ... skipping. By default, MySQL comes with a database named 'test' that anyone can access. This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed before moving into a production environment. Remove test database and access to it? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : y - Dropping test database... Success. - Removing privileges on test database... Success. Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far will take effect immediately. Reload privilege tables now? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : n ... skipping. All done! |
Check authentication method for MySQL users host 가 % 일경우 #주석처리 #bind-address= […]
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17:40:33 Restoring C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\backup_2019-04-24-1154_C_test__8e4fc2ead977-db\Csharpdb Running: mysql.exe --defaults-file="c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpdtqlgo.cnf" --protocol=tcp --host= user=dsfd --port= --default-character-set=utf8 --comments --database=ctset < "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Downloads\\backup_2019-04-24-1154_C_test__8e4fc2ead977-db\\testpdb" ERROR 1067 (42000) at line 431: Invalid default value for 'user_registered' Operation failed with exitcode 1 17:40:35 Import of C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\backup_2019-04-24-1154_C_test__8e4fc2ead977-db\Csharpdb has finished with 1 errors |
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use dbtest; SET GLOBAL sql_mode = ''; |
Error Saving Account Error creating account vpopmail@%: Column countof mysql.user is wrong, Expected 42… Please use myslq_upgrade to fix this error. mysql_upgrade -u root -p […]
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